
Why Rotary? Sara Duckwall

Sara Duckwall-Chair of Diversity,Equity, Inclusion, Justice committee

Why did you join Rotary?

Part of Duckwall Fruit’s mission is to “Pay our dues for the space we occupy in our Community and Industry.” Through its “Service above Self” motto Rotary also embodies this desire, which makes it a perfect fit!

What do you do for a profession and with what company?

Project and Communications Director, Duckwall Fruit

Why did you join Rotary?

Part of Duckwall Fruit’s mission is to “Pay our dues for the space we occupy in our Community and Industry.” Through its “Service above Self” motto Rotary also embodies this desire, which makes it a perfect fit!

What makes you stay in Rotary?

I stay in Rotary to help build a better future. Small individual contributions can collectively make a big impact.

What is your most memorable Rotary moment?

I grew up in Rotary with my dad. I attended countless Rotary lunches, a scholarship award luncheon and even a children’s holiday party. Thank you, Santa! However, my most memorable Rotary moment, by far, is attending apple sales events in Portland. My brother and I spent numerous (and precious) fall weekend days at these apple sales events. It wasn’t super fun for me at the time, but looking back, I am able to see the point with great clarity and appreciate all the countless service and fundraising hours past, present, and future Rotarians give so freely.  

Why RotaryBen McCarty