
Why Rotary? Lee Mcpherson

Lee McPherson-Treasurer

What do you do for a profession and with what company?

 I am a financial advisor with Edward Jones investments 

Why did you join Rotary?

 Originally when I was 17 years old in my home town,  more recently the Hood River chapter in 2022

What makes you stay in Rotary?

The people, the camaraderie, and the wonderful feeling that together we are making a positive impact both locally and internationally.

What is your most memorable Rotary moment?

The most memorable moment in Rotary was when I was at the district conference while studying aboard.  We heard speech after speech of the amazing projects young individuals were working on while they were on exchanges around the world.   Kids as young as 15 years old were raising funds and solving problems globally.  It was very inspirational and encouraging to see.

Why RotaryBen McCarty